unit Datacamp_SSLRSS_Stream_Sentiment2; interface {uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, SimpleRSS, OleCtrls, SHDocVw, SimpleRSSTypes, StdCtrls; } Const URLSentimentAPI2='http://text-processing.com/api/sentiment/'; //doc: http://text-processing.com/docs/sentiment.html RSS_NewsFeed = 'http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml'; BBCFeed = 'http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml'; BLogFeed = 'http://maxbox4.wordpress.com/blog/feed'; DatacampFeed = 'https://www.datacamp.com/community/rss.xml'; type TForm1 = TForm; var WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser; SimpleRSS: TSimpleRSS; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; WebBrowser2: TWebBrowser; atj: TJson; procedure TForm1FormShow(Sender: TObject); //private { Private declarations } //public { Public declarations } //end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation //uses ComObj; //{$R *.dfm} function TJsonBaseGetOwnerName: String; var TheOwner: TJsonBase; begin Result := ''; TheOwner := nil; while True do begin if not Assigned(TheOwner) then Break else if TheOwner is TJsonPair then begin Result := (TheOwner as TJsonPair).Name; Break; end else TheOwner := TheOwner.Owner; end; end; procedure TJsonBaseRaiseError(const Msg: String); var S: String; begin S := Format('<%s>%s', ['ClassName', Msg]); raise Exception.Create(S); end; procedure TJsonBaseRaiseParseError(const JsonString: String); begin TJsonBaseRaiseError(Format('"%s" parse error: %s', [TJsonBaseGetOwnerName, JsonString])); end; procedure TJsonArrayParse(JsonString: String); var I: Integer; S: String; List: TStringList; Item: TJsonValue; begin atj.Clear; JsonString := Trim(JsonString); if not atj.IsJsonArray(JsonString) then TJsonBaseRaiseParseError(JsonString); S := Trim(Copy(JsonString, 2, Length(JsonString) - 2)); List := TStringList.Create; try Split(S, ',', List); for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin //Item := atj.Add; Item.Parse(List[I]); end; finally List.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1FormShow(Sender: TObject); Var Item : TRSSItem; Category : TRSSItemCategory; channelcategory : TRSSChannelCategory; begin channelcategory := SimpleRSS.Channel.Optional.Categories.Add; channelcategory.Category := 'test'; With SimpleRSS.Channel.Optional.Categories.Add do Begin Category := 'test 2 with domain'; Domain := '-???-'; end; // with do Item := SimpleRSS.Items.Add; With Item do Begin Title := 'First News Article'; Description := 'This is merely a simple test'; Author.name := 'robert@sadev.co.za'; Source.Title := 'Made up'; Source.URL := 'http://www.nowhere.com'; Source.Include := True; Category := Item.Categories.Add; Category.Title := 'TEST'; end; // with do Item := SimpleRSS.Items.Add; With Item do Begin Title := 'Second News Article'; Description := 'This is slightly more complex test'; Author.name := 'robert@sadev.co.za'; Source.Title := 'Made up'; Source.URL := 'http://www.nowhere.com'; Source.Include := True; Category := Item.Categories.Add; Category.Title := 'TEST'; Category.Domain := 'thisorthat'; GUID.Include := True; GUID.GUID := CreateClassID; PubDate.DateTime := Now; PubDate.TimeZone := 'SAST'; end; // with do Item := SimpleRSS.Items.Add; With Item do Begin Title := 'Third News Article'; Description := 'This is should have an video attached.'; Author.name := 'robert@sadev.co.za'; With Item.Categories.Add do Begin Title := 'TEST'; end; // with do GUID.Include := True; GUID.GUID := CreateClassID; GUID.IsPermaLink := True; Enclosure.Include := True; Enclosure.URL := 'http://blah.com/blah.mpg'; Enclosure.Length := 1024; Enclosure.EnclosureType := 'audio/mpeg'; end; // with do Item := SimpleRSS.Items.Add; With Item do Begin Title := 'Another News Article'; Description := 'Comments Field'; Author.name := 'robert@sadev.co.za'; Category := Item.Categories.Add; Category.Title := 'TEST'; GUID.Include := True; GUID.GUID := CreateClassID; Comments := 'http://idontcare.com/edit.dll/post'; end; // with do {SimpleRSS.SaveToFile('c:\maxbox\lazarus\rsstest.xml'); WebBrowser1.Navigate('file://c:/maxbox/lazarus/rsstest.xml'); SimpleRSS.LoadFromFile('c:\maxbox\lazarus\rsstest.xml'); SimpleRSS.SaveToFile('c:\maxbox\lazarus\rsstest2.xml'); WebBrowser2.Navigate('file://c:/maxbox/lazarus/rsstest2.xml'); } end; procedure loadWebform; begin Form1:= TForm1.create(self); with form1 do begin Left:= 76 Top := 46 Width := 770 Height := 640 Caption := 'WinControlWebBrowserRSSStreamFeed' Color := clBtnFace Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clWindowText Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style := [] OldCreateOrder := False OnShow := @TForm1FormShow; PixelsPerInch := 96 //TextHeight := 13 //Show; Label1:= TLabel.create(form1) with label1 do begin parent:= form1 Left := 16 Top := 8 Width := 149 Height := 13 Caption := 'Output from component (export)' end; Label2:= TLabel.create(form1) with label2 do begin parent:= form1 Left := 16 Top := 280 Width := 242 Height := 13 Caption := 'output reloaded and reoutputed (import then export)' end ; WebBrowser1:= TWebBrowser.create(form1); with webbrowser1 do begin //parent:= form1; TWinControl(WebBrowser1).Name := 'MyWebBrowser1'; TWinControl(WebBrowser1).Parent := form1; TWinControl(WebBrowser1).setbounds(20, 24, 662, 441) TWinControl(WebBrowser1).Align := alClient; TabOrder := 0 (*ControlData := { 4C00000017590000E81800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000004C000000000000000000000001000000E0D057007335CF11AE690800 2B2E126208000000000000004C0000000114020000000000C000000000000046 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000} *) end; WebBrowser2:= TWebBrowser.create(form1); with webbrowser2 do begin TWinControl(WebBrowser2).Name := 'MyWebBrowser2'; TWinControl(WebBrowser2).Parent := form1; TWinControl(WebBrowser2).setbounds(20, 304, 662, 441) TWinControl(WebBrowser2).visible:= False; Align := alCustom TabOrder := 1 (*ControlData := { 4C00000017590000361F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000004C000000000000000000000001000000E0D057007335CF11AE690800 2B2E126208000000000000004C0000000114020000000000C000000000000046 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000} *) end ; //object SimpleRSS: TSimpleRSS SimpleRSS:= TSimpleRSS.create(form1) with simplerss do begin parent:= form1; //XMLFileOptions.Options:= [doNodeAutoCreate, doAttrNull, doAutoPrefix, doNamespaceDecl] //XMLFileOptions.ParseOptions := [] Channel.Required.Title := 'SADev RSS' Channel.Required.Link := 'http://www.sadev.co.za' Channel.Required.Desc := 'RSS For www.sadev.co.za' Channel.Optional.Language := 22; //langEN_ZA; Channel.Optional.Copyright := '(C) Copyright Robert MacLean 2003 All Rights Reserved' Channel.Optional.ManagingEditor := 'robert@sadev.co.za' Channel.Optional.WebMaster := 'robert@sadev.co.za' Channel.Optional.PubDate.DateTime := 37718.823652233800000000 Channel.Optional.PubDate.TimeZone := 'SAST' Channel.Optional.LastBuildDate.DateTime := 37826.573645833320000000 Channel.Optional.LastBuildDate.TimeZone := 'GMT' //Channel.Optional.Categories := <> Channel.Optional.Generator := 'Test App' Channel.Optional.Docs := 'http://backenduser.land.com/rss' Channel.Optional.Cloud.Port := 1 Channel.Optional.TTL := 60 Channel.Optional.Image.Include := False Channel.Optional.Image.Required.URL := 'URL Required' Channel.Optional.Image.Required.Title := 'Title Required' Channel.Optional.Image.Required.Link := 'Link Required' Channel.Optional.Image.Optional.Width := 0 Channel.Optional.Image.Optional.Height := 0 Channel.Optional.Rating := 'PICS Rating Here' Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h01 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h02 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h03 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h04 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h05 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h06 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h07 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h22 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h23 := True Channel.Optional.SkipHours.h00 := True Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Monday := False Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Tuesday := False Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Wednesday := False Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Thursday := False Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Friday := False Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Saturday := True Channel.Optional.SkipDays.Sunday := True {Items := < item Title := 'Test' Description := 'This one was added in the delphi IDE' Categories := < item Title := 'InsideIDETest' end> Enclosure.Length := 0 PubDate.DateTime := 37719.760242476850000000 PubDate.TimeZone := 'GMT' end> } Version := '2.0' Left := 144 Top := 96 end; end; form1.show; end; function GetBlogStream7(const S_API, pData: string): string; var strm: TStringStream; begin //Function HttpPostURL(const URL,URLData: string; const Data:TStream):Boolean; strm:= TStringStream.create(''); //sr:=HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; //sr:='text='+HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; //sr:= sr+'language=english'; //if HttpPostURL(S_API, sr, strm) then //if HttpGETBinary(S_API, strm) then HttpGET(S_API, strm) //then result:= strm.dataString; strm.free; end; function GetBlogStream8(const S_API, pData: string; astrm: TStringStream): TStringStream; begin //Function HttpPostURL(const URL,URLData: string; const Data:TStream):Boolean; //strm:= TStringStream.create(''); //sr:=HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; //sr:='text='+HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; //sr:= sr+'language=english'; //if HttpPostURL(S_API, pdata, astrm) then //if HttpGETBinary(S_API, strm) then HttpGET(S_API, astrm) //then result:= astrm; //strm.free; end; function GetBlogStream8Sentiment(const S_API, pData: string; astrm: TStringStream): TStringStream; begin //Function HttpPostURL(const URL,URLData: string; const Data:TStream):Boolean; //strm:= TStringStream.create(''); //sr:=HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; sr:='text='+HTTPEncode(pData)+CRLF; sr:= sr+'language=english'; if HttpPostURL(S_API, sr, astrm) then //if HttpGETBinary(S_API, strm) then //HttpGET(S_API, astrm) //then result:= astrm; //strm.free; end; const Testjson = '{' +' "Afghanistan": [ ' +' { ' +' "date": "2020-1-22",' +' "confirmed": 0,' +' "deaths": 0,' +' "recovered": 109' +' }]}'; sentimback2= '{"probability": {"neg": 0.48632073174039103, "neutral": ' +'0.88297579276162275, "pos": 0.51367926825960897}, "label": "neutralg"}'; var strm: TStringStream; textin, blogstring, sentimback, cnode, response: string; var XMLhttp: OleVariant; statuscode: byte; begin //@main strm:= TStringStream.create(''); //strm:= GetBlogStream8(BlogCodeFeed,'', strm); //strm:= GetBlogStream8(datacampfeed, 'rss',strm); strm:= GetBlogStream8(bbcfeed, 'rss',strm); writeln(strm.dataString); blogstring:= strm.dataString; //blogstring:= vartostr(strm.dataString); //SaveToFile(strm.dataString,'c:\maxbox\lazarus\rssbbctest.xml', false); with TSimpleRSS.create(self) do begin XMLType:= xtRDFrss; // bbcnews: xtRDFrss; //( xtRDFrss, xtRSSrss, xtAtomrss, xtiTunesrss )'); IndyHTTP:= TIdHTTP.create(self); //LoadFromHTTP(RSS_NewsFeed); //LoadFromHTTP(BlogCodeFeed); //LoadFromHTTP(Climatefeed); //LoadFromHTTP(WeatherFeed5Bern); //LoadFromString(strm.dataString); //GenerateXML; try LoadFromStream((strm)); except end //SaveToFile('c:\maxbox\lazarus\rssbbctest.xml'); writeln('RSSFeedVersion: '+Version) writeln('SimpleRSSVersion: '+SimpleRSSVersion) for it:= 0 to items.count-1 do writeln(itoa(it)+': '+Items[it].title+': '+items[it].pubdate.getdatetime); strm.size:= 0; writeln('Sentiment of: '+ Items[11].title); writeln(GetBlogStream8Sentiment(URLSentimentAPI2, Items[11].title,strm).datastring); sentimback:= GetBlogStream8Sentiment(URLSentimentAPI2, Items[11].title,strm).datastring; //writeln(GetBlogStream8Sentiment(URLSentimentAPI2, Items,strm).datastring); strm.Free; end; //*) with TJson.create() do begin clear; parse(sentimback2); cnode:= JsonObject.items[0].name; //'probability' writeln(itoa(JsonObject.count)); writeln(values[cnode].asobject.values['neutral'].asstring); writeln(values['label'].asstring); free; end; cnode:=''; with TJson.create() do begin clear; parse(Testjson); writeln(itoa(JsonObject.count)); //values[JsonObject.items[0].name].asarray cnode:= JsonObject.items[0].name; writeln(values[cnode].asarray.items[0].asobject.values['date'].asstring); writeln(values[cnode].asarray.items[0].asobject.values['recovered'].asstring); free; end; XMLhttp:= CreateOleObject('msxml2.xmlhttp') XMLhttp.Open('POST', URLSentimentAPI2, False) //False is async XMLhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/json'); XMLhttp.Send('text="White House warns of email attack"'+CRLF+'language=english'); response:= XMLhttp.responseText; //assign the data writeln(response) statuscode:= XMLhttp.status; writeln('statuscode '+itoa(statuscode)) writeln('text="White House warns of email attack"') with TJson.create() do begin clear; parse(response); cnode:= JsonObject.items[0].name; //'probability' writeln(itoa(JsonObject.count)); writeln('prob: '+values[cnode].asobject.values['neutral'].asstring); writeln('result: '+(values['label'].asstring)); free; end; textin:= 'Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself'; Writeln('Sentiment of: '+textin) XMLhttp:= CreateOleObject('msxml2.xmlhttp') XMLhttp.Open('POST', URLSentimentAPI2, False) //False is async XMLhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/json'); XMLhttp.Send('text='+'"'+textin+'"'+CRLF+'language=english'); response:= XMLhttp.responseText; //assign data writeln(response) statuscode:= XMLhttp.status; writeln('statuscode: '+itoa(statuscode)) //loadWebform; //WebBrowser1.loadfromstream //WebBrowser1.Navigate('file://c:/maxbox/lazarus/rssbbctest.xml'); //SimpleRSS.LoadFromFile('c:\maxbox\lazarus\rsstest.xml'); End. {doc: To analyze the sentiment of some text, do an HTTP POST to http://text-processing.com/api/sentiment/ with form encoded data containg the text you want to analyze. You’ll get back a JSON object response with 2 attributes: label: will be either pos if the text is determined to be positive, neg if the text is negative, or neutral if the text is neither pos nor neg. probability: an object that contains the probability for each label. neg and pos will add up to 1, while neutral is standalone. If neutral is greater than 0.5 then the label will be neutral. Otherwise, the label will be pos or neg, whichever has the greater probability. Parameters text: Required - the text you want to analyze. It must not exceed 80,000 characters. language: The default language is english, but this API also supports dutch and french. } {http://simplerss.sourceforge.net Provides a simple methods for accessing, importing, exporting and working with RSS, RDF, Atom & iTunes Feeds Result.insert(0).Title := Node.Text Specification: http://feedvalidator.org/docs/rss2.html http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/ Si vis pacem, para bellum - - - Title Required Link Required Description Required - 301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

https://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/ Sentiment of Microsoft hack: White House warns of 'active threat' of email attack {"probability": {"neg": 0.51108353826440212, "neutral": 0.88038686858763526, "pos": 0.48891646173559788, label: neutral} //}