Program RegEx_Power_Tester_TRex3; // Framework for RegEx tests TRex at EKON 16 // get the Box at: //********************************************************************* // logic REGEX ledwall example with objects, loc's=980, 28 intf, example 309ff // first you define a size und pattern (word) and alter the pattern with // the function shows Delphi RegEx, TRegEx Studio and Core Unit Regex; // task: write the sentence in sequence: 'the world of TREX color!' //********************************************************************* Const PATTERNPAUSE = 350; RUNPAUSE = 180; COL = 5; ROW = 7; SIGNS = 36; //(37_[0..36]: Space, A..Z, 0..9) LEFTBASE = 20; TOPBASE = 30; TEXTPATH = 'examples\outline3.txt'; AVIPATH = 'examples\cool.avi'; BITMAP = 'examples\citymax.bmp'; var ppForm: TForm; mylabel: TLabel; pattern1: string; labelList: TStringList; psize: integer; pattar: array[0..SIGNS] of shortstring; mbitmap: TBitmap; s1, c1: extended; E: Exception; procedure pauseLED(vpatt: shortstring); forward; procedure LetShowRunVerify(apatt: string); var i,x: integer; o: TLabel; begin for x:= 0 to COL do begin for i:= 1 to psize do begin o:= TLabel(labelList.objects[i-1]); if apatt[i] = '1' then o.color:= clblack else o.color:= (clyellow); end; for i:= 1 to psize do begin //XCopy apatt[i]:= apatt[i+1]; if (i mod COL = 0) then //!! apatt[i]:= '0' end; Sleep(RUNPAUSE) //if x= 4 then Break; //optimise if run end; //Application.Processmessages; //debug end; procedure LetShowRunVerify2(vpattern: string); //draft var i,x: integer; o: TLabel; pattern2: shortstring; begin for i:= 1 to 40 do pattern2:= pattern2 + '0'; //Empty Space; for i:= 1 to psize+1 do begin //recopy XCopy if vpattern[i] = '1' then begin pattern2[i+1]:= '1'; end; end; for x:= 0 to COL -1 do begin for i:= 1 to psize do begin //set next line of labels o:= TLabel(labelList.objects[i-1]); if pattern2[i] = '1' then o.color:= clblack else o.color:= (clyellow); end; for i:= 1 to psize do begin //recopy pattern2[i]:= pattern2[i+1]; if (i mod COL = 0) then //!! pattern2[i]:= '0' end; //old sleep(RUNPAUSE) if x= 4 then break; end; //application.processmessages; end; procedure letShowVerify(vpattern: string); var i: integer; o: TLabel; begin for i:= 1 to psize do begin o:= TLabel(labelList.objects[i-1]); //o.caption:= inttostr(i); if i <= length(vpattern) then if vpattern[i] = '1' then o.color:= clblack else o.color:= clyellow; end; //Runchar(vpattern) //application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure Label1Click_EditPattern(Sender: TObject); var o: TLabel; sx: byte; begin //70 in begin sound //showMessage(intToStr(TLabel(sender).tag)) sx:= TLabel(sender).tag; o:= TLabel(labelList.objects[sx-1]); //o.caption:= inttostr(i); if o.color = clBlack then o.color:= clyellow else o.color:= clblack; end; procedure pauseLED(vpatt: shortstring); begin sleep(PATTERNPAUSE); letShowVerify(vpatt); end; procedure Label1DClick_WritePattern(Sender: TObject); var i: byte; st: shortstring; o: TLabel; begin //70 in begin sound st:= pattar[0]; for i:= 1 to psize do begin o:= TLabel(labelList.objects[i-1]); //o.caption:= inttostr(i); if o.color = clBlack then st[i]:= '1' else st[i]:= '0'; end; //SetLEDConsole(st) //writeln(st) end; procedure ShowLED_TestSeq; var pt0, pt11, tmpstr: shortstring; il: integer; begin pt0:= '00000000000000000000000000000000000'; pt11:= '00100010101001111111011100111111100'; //hex store test 32+3=35 tmpstr:= pt11; delete(tmpstr,4,32) writeln('cut test '+tmpstr) writeln(bintohex2(tmpstr)); //00000001 writeln(bintohex2(pt11)); //153FB9FC writeln(tmpstr+hextobin2(bintohex2(pt11))); //test to store pattern as HEX writeln(pt11) pattern1:= ''; for il:= 0 to SIGNS do begin letShowVerify(pattar[il]); //writeln('pt'+inttostr(il)) pauseLED(pt0) end; end; Procedure WriteLED_Set(sentence: string; arun: boolean); //draft var il,a: byte; begin sentence:= Uppercase(sentence) for il:= 1 to length(sentence) do begin a:= Ord(sentence[il])-47; //ASCII 0=48 9=57 writeln(inttostr(a)) //debug if (a>0) and (a<16) then begin if arun then letShowRunVerify(pattar[a]) else letShowVerify(pattar[a]); end; if (a>17) and (a<42) then begin //ASCII A=65 Z=90 if arun then letShowRunVerify(pattar[a-7]) else letShowVerify(pattar[a-7]); end; if a>220 then begin //if not arun then pauseLED(pattar[0]); end; write(sentence[il]) //test to console end; end; procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = #13 then WriteLED_Set(pattern1, true); if Key = #27 then ppForm.close; end; procedure CloseForm(Sender: TObject; var action: TCloseAction); var i: integer; begin for i:= 1 to psize do TLabel(labelList.objects[i-1]).Free; action:= caFree; writeln('free it label objects') //debug end; procedure loadPForm(vx, vy: integer); begin psize:= vx*vy //constructor ppform:= TForm.Create(self); with ppform do begin caption:= 'LEDBOX, click to edit, dblclick write out pattern'+ ' Press to run the Sentence'; width:= (vx*psize)+ 10 + 300; height:= (vy*psize)+ 30; BorderStyle:= bsDialog; Position:= poScreenCenter; onKeyPress:= @FormKeyPress //OnClick:= @Label1Click; OnClose:= @closeForm; Show; end end; procedure InitPuzzle(vx: byte); var i,x,y: integer; begin labelList:= TStringList.Create; x:= 1; y:= 1; for i:= 1 to psize do begin mylabel:= TLabel.Create(ppform); with mylabel do begin Parent:= ppForm; color:= clyellow; transparent:= false; AutoSize:= false; layout:= tlcenter; alignment:= tacenter; font.Size:= (psize div vx) + 12; //font.Style:= [fsbold]; font.Color:= clyellow; width:= psize; //+1 without raster height:= psize; Left:= (x-1)*(psize + 1); Top:= (y-1)*(psize + 1); //event handler to click! OnClick:= @Label1Click_EditPattern; OnDblClick:= @Label1DClick_WritePattern; tag:= i; //save the position end; //set next line of labels if (i mod vx = 0) then begin x:= 1; inc(y); end else inc(x); //add labels to the list labellist.instancesize labelList.addObject(inttostr(i), mylabel); end; end; procedure InitLED_SignPatterns; //add with 0 at the end begin pattar[0]:= '000000000000000000000000000000000000'; //Empty Space; pattar[1]:= '001000101001010010100101001010001000'; //0 pattar[2]:= '001100111000010000100001000010000100'; //1 pattar[3]:= '011100001000010011100100001000011100'; //2 pattar[4]:= '011100001000010011100001000010011100'; //3 pattar[5]:= '001100101001010010100111100010000100'; //4 pattar[6]:= '011100100001100000100001000010011000'; //5 pattar[7]:= '001100100001000011100101001010001000'; //6 pattar[8]:= '011100001000010001000010000100001000'; //7 pattar[9]:= '011100101001010011100101001010011100'; //8 pattar[10]:= '011100101001010011100001000100010000'; //9 pattar[11]:= '001000101001010100011111110001100010'; //A; pattar[12]:= '111001001010010111001001010010111000'; //B; pattar[13]:= '001100100010000100001000001000001100'; //C; pattar[14]:= '111001001010001100011000110010111000'; //D; pattar[15]:= '111101000010000111101000010000111100'; //E; pattar[16]:= '111111000010000111101000010000100000'; //F; pattar[17]:= '001100100110000101111000101001001100'; //G; pattar[18]:= '100011000110001111111000110001100010'; //H; pattar[19]:= '001000010000100001000010000100001000'; //I; pattar[20]:= '001110001000010000100001010010011000'; //J; pattar[21]:= '100011001010100110001010010010100010'; //K; pattar[22]:= '100001000010000100001000010000111110'; //L; pattar[23]:= '110111010110101101011000110001100010'; //M; pattar[24]:= '100011100110101100111000110001100010'; //N; pattar[25]:= '001000101010001100011000101010001000'; //O; pattar[26]:= '111001001010010100101110010000100000'; //P; pattar[27]:= '011101000110001100011000101110000110'; //Q; pattar[28]:= '111001001010010111001010010010100010'; //R pattar[29]:= '011101000010000011000001000010111000'; //S pattar[30]:= '111110010000100001000010000100001000'; //T pattar[31]:= '100011000110001100011000111011011100'; //U pattar[32]:= '100011000110001010100101000100001000'; //V pattar[33]:= '100011000110101101011010110101010100'; //W pattar[34]:= '100011000101010001000101010001100010'; //X pattar[35]:= '100011101101010001000010000100001000'; //Y pattar[36]:= '111110000100010001000100010000111110'; //Z end; procedure LetBitmap; begin mbitmap:= TBitmap.Create; try mbitmap.LoadFromFile(Exepath+BITMAP); ppForm.Canvas.Draw(270,70, mbitmap); finally raiseException2; //ppForm.Free; end; end; //****************************** TRex Tester ********************************// type TDecorateURLsFlags = ( // describes, which parts of hyper-link must be included // into VISIBLE part of the link: durlProto, // Protocol (like 'ftp://' or 'http://') durlAddr, // TCP address or domain name (like '') durlPort, // Port number if specified (like ':8080') durlPath, // Path to document (like 'index.htm') durlBMark, // Book mark (like '#mark') durlParam // URL params (like '?ID=2&User=13') ); TDecorateURLsFlagSet = set of TDecorateURLsFlags; const URLTemplate = '(?i)(' + '(FTP|HTTP)://' // Protocol + '|www\.)' // trick to catch links without protocol by detecting start'www.' + '([\w\d\-]+(\.[\w\d\-]+)+)' // TCP addr or domain name + '(:\d\d?\d?\d?\d?)?' // port number + '(((/[%+\w\d\-\\\.]*)+)*)' // unix path + '(\?[^\s=&]+=[^\s=&]+(&[^\s=&]+=[^\s=&]+)*)?' // request (GET) params + '(#[\w\d\-%+]+)?'; // bookmark function DecorateURLs ( // can find hyper links like 'http://...' or 'ftp://..' // as well as links without protocol, but start with 'www.' const AText : string; // Input text to find hyper-links AFlags : TDecorateURLsFlagSet //= [durlAddr, durlPath] // Which part of hyper-links found must be included into visible // part of URL, for example if [durlAddr] then hyper link // '' will be decorated as // '' ) : string; // Returns input text with decorated hyper links var PrevPos : integer; s, Proto, Addr, HRef : string; begin Result := ''; PrevPos := 1; with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression := URLTemplate; if Exec (AText) then REPEAT s := ''; if AnsiCompareText (Match [1], 'www.') = 0 then begin Proto := 'http://'; Addr := Match [1] + Match [3]; HRef := Proto + Match [0]; end else begin Proto := Match [1]; Addr := Match [3]; HRef := Match [0]; end; if durlProto in AFlags then s := s + Proto; if durlAddr in AFlags then s := s + Addr; if durlPort in AFlags then s := s + Match [5]; if durlPath in AFlags then s := s + Match [6]; if durlParam in AFlags then s := s + Match [9]; if durlBMark in AFlags then s := s + Match [11]; Result := Result + Copy (AText, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos) + '' + s + ''; PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]; UNTIL not ExecNext; Result := Result + Copy (AText, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail finally Free; end; end; { of function DecorateURLs } //RegEx Online const russTemplate = //'(?i)Ioeoeaeuiue eo?n OA ii aieea?o' //'.*Aaoa\s*Eo?n\s*Eo?n iie.\s*Eo?n i?ia. [^<\d]*' // '.*Äàòà\s*Êó?ñ\s*Êó?ñ ïîê.\s*Êó?ñ ï?îä.\s*Êóðñ íà?[^<\d]*' '(\d?\d)/(\d?\d)/(\d\d)\s*[\d.]+\s*([\d.]+)'; procedure getREGEXOnline(Sender: TObject); var http1: TIDHTTP; htret: string; begin http1:= TIDHTTP.Create(self); htret:= HTTP1.Get(''); //writeln(htret); with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression:= russTemplate; if Exec(htret) then begin //if writeln(Format ('Russian rouble rate at %s.%s.%s: %s', [Match[2], Match[1], Match[3], Match[4]])); end; //writeln(dump) finally Free; end; //text2html //writeln('deco: '+#13+#10+DecorateURLs(htret,[durlAddr, durlPath])) end; procedure ExtractPhones (const AText : string; APhones : TStrings); begin with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression:= '(\+\d *)?(\((\d+)\) *)?(\d+(-\d*)*)'; if Exec (AText) then REPEAT if Match [3] = '812' then APhones.Add (Match [4]); UNTIL not ExecNext; finally Free; end; end; (*procedure regExGreedy; var S, RE, Link, Text: string; Match: TMatch; begin S := 'Go 1Go 2'; *) //RE := '(.*)'; //Match:= TRegEx.Match(S, RE, [roIgnoreCase, roMultiLine, roCompiled]); //while Match.Success do begin //ShowMessage('URL: '+ Match.Groups[1].Value +', Text: ' + Match.Groups[2].Value); //Match := Match.NextMatch; //end; //end; procedure DelphiPerlRegex; //var mot: TPerlRegExOptions; begin with TPerlRegex.create do try Options:= Options + [preUnGreedy]; Subject:= 'I like to sing out at Foo bar'; RegEx:= '([1-9A-Za-z]+) bar'; //Study; Replacement:= '\1 is the name of the bar I like'; if Match then ShowMessageBig(ComputeReplacement); Subject:= 'This is a Linux or a Windows App.'; RegEx:= 'Windows|Linux'; // Matches 'Windows' or 'Linux', whichever comes first if Match then showMessageBig(MatchedText +'came first!'); finally Free; end; end; //I have the following REGEX: //^(\[[A-Za-z0-9,]+\])?([A-Za-z0-9]+:)?([A-Za-z]+)\(?([^\)]*)\)?$ (*When presented with Set(ID,99) Perl returns: 1:[], 2:[], 3:[Set], 4:[ID,99] - as I expected Delphi's Reg ex returns *) procedure DelphiCoreCodeRegEx; var regEx: TPerlRegEx; i: integer; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } regEx:= TPerlRegEx.Create; try regEx.RegEx:= '^(\[[A-Za-z0-9,]+\])?([A-Za-z0-9]+:)?([A-Za-z]+)\(?([^\)]*)\)?$'; regEx.Subject:= 'Set(ID,99)'; WriteLn('Regex: '+regEx.RegEx); WriteLn('Subject:'+regEx.Subject); WriteLn(''); if regEx.Match then begin for i:= 1 to 4 do Write(Format('Group %d:[%s] ',[i,regEx.Groups[i]])); end else WriteLn('Subject did not match the regular expression'); {ReadLn('')};WriteLn(' '); finally regEx.Free; end; except //on E: Exception do Writeln('E.ClassName'+ ': '+ E.Message); end; end; var parser: TPerlRegEx; list: TStringList; found: boolean; it: integer; const codestr1 ='2001, 2002, 200001, 2004, 1000000'; procedure DelphiCoreCodeRegEx2; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } list:= TStringList.Create; try parser:= TPerlRegEx.Create; try parser.RegEx:= '\b(\d{4})(?!\d)'; parser.Subject:= codeStr1; found:= parser.Match; while found do begin list.Add(parser.Groups[1]); found:= parser.MatchAgain; end; //for str in List do //WriteLn('Matched: ',str); for it:= 0 to list.count-1 do WriteLn('Matched: '+list.strings[it]); WriteLn('Total Matches: '+inttoStr(list.Count)); //ReadLn; finally parser.Free; end; finally list.Free; end; except //on E: Exception do //Writeln(raiseLastException+ ' : '+ E.Message); end; end; var PR: TPerlRegEx; TestString: string; procedure delphiRegexMailfinder; begin // Initialize a test string to include some email addresses. This would normally // be your eMail text. TestString:= ','; PR:= TPerlRegEx.Create; try PR.RegEx:= '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'; // <-- this is the actual regex used. PR.Options:= PR.Options + [preCaseLess, premultiline]; PR.Compile; PR.Subject:= TestString; // <-- tell the TPerlRegEx where to look for matches if PR.Match then begin // At this point a first matched eMail is already in MatchedText so grab it WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); // Extract first address (one@server.domain.xy) // Let the regex engine look for more matches in a loop: while PR.MatchAgain do WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); //Extract subsequent addresses(another@otherserver) end; finally PR.Free; end; //Readln; end; var myf: extended; secyear, lightyear: extended;//double; regexres: TStrings; gstr, fstr, email, rex, mystr, fs: string; regEx, PR1: TPerlRegEx; //myEval: TMatchEvaluator; //match: TPerlMatch; //main App of LED REGEX HEX BOX **************************************** Begin {fs:= 'northwest NW Charles Main 300000.00'#13#10+ 'western WE Sharon Gray 53000.89'#13#10+ 'southwest SW Lewis Dalsass 290000.73'+CR+LF+ 'southern SO Suan Chin 54500.10'+CR+LF+ 'southeast SE Patricia Hemenway 400000.00'+CR+LF+ 'eastern EA TB Savage 440500.45'+CR+LF+ 'northeast NE AM Main Jr. 57800.10'+CR+LF+ 'north NO Ann Stephens 455000.50'+CR+LF+ 'central CT KRush 575500.70'+CR+LF+ ''+CR+LF+ 'Extra [A-Z]****[0-9]..$5.00'; } //SaveString(Exepath+'\examples\regexlist.txt',fs); //memo2.text:= loadfileasString(Exepath+'\examples\regexlist.txt'); //SearchandOpenDoc(Exepath+'\examples\regexlist.txt'); //**************************** OOP in maXbox ******************************* //sizex, sizey as paras() //pattern1:= '0123456789'; pattern1:= 'Pascal_Rex'; //pattern1:= 'THIS IS MAXLAND'; (*loadPForm(COL,ROW); initPuzzle(COL); InitLED_SignPatterns; VCLtester_VCLUtils*) //ShowLED_TestSeq; //WriteLed_Set('PASCAL') //WriteLed_Set(pattern1) //WriteLed_Set('MAXBOX') //WriteLed_Set(pattern1, true) //true with animation //Writeln(GetASCII) writeln(floattostr(power(2,64))) writeln('Formula Direct: '+floattoSTr(getFormulaValue('3*45+ln(34)-sqrt(16)'))); writeln('Formula Direct: '+floattoSTr(maxCalc('3*45+ln(34)-sqrt(16)'))); //writeln('Formula Direct: '+floattoSTr(maxCalc('20 mod 4'))); syntax error //DomainCheck error myf:= 123.059; writeln('Formula ArcCos: '+floattoSTr(arccos(0.05998))); writeln('Formula ArcSinH: '+floattoSTr(arcSinH(myf))); PrintF('Formula Direct: %f ',[maxCalc('Ln(123.059+sqrt((123.059*123.059)+1))')]); //Result := Ln(X + Sqrt((X * X) + 1)); SinCos(0, s1, c1); // 0 test writeln('Formula SinCos: '+floattoSTr(s1)+ ' '+floattoSTr(c1)); s1:= 0.3; c1:= 0.5; SinCos(1.0, s1, c1); writeln('Formula SinCos: '+floattoSTr(s1)+ ' '+floattoSTr(c1)); SinCos(1.0, s1, c1); // SinCosJ(1.0, s1, c1); writeln('Formula SinCosJ: '+floattoSTr(s1)+ ' '+floattoSTr(c1)); //Ln((Sqrt(1 - X * X) + 1) / X) writeln('PI is: '+floatToStr(PI)); //3.14159265358979 writeln('Formula Gauss first, s=3, z=0.0014: '+#13#10+ floattoSTr(maxCalc('1/sqrt(2*PI*3^2)'))); writeln('Formula Gauss second: '+ floattoSTr(maxCalc('exp((-0.0014^2)/(2*3^2))'))); // 8.68956546144783 writeln('Formula Gauss : '+ floatToSTr(maxCalc('1/SQRT(2*PI*3^2)*EXP((-0.0014^2)/(2*3^2))'))); //light seconds printf('check of light year %f',[maxCalc('(60*24*60*365.25)*(299792458)')]); //printf('check of lyear %f',[maxcalc('(60*24*60*365.25)*[metersperlightsecond]')]); printf('this is ysec %d',[secondoftheyear(now)]); printf('sec of year %f',[maxCalc('60*24*60*365.25')]); //julian year secyear:= (maxCalc('60*24*60*365.25')); writeln('secyear: '+floattostr(secyear)); // 6149: GoldenMean: Float = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638; // GoldenMean printf('golden mean %.18f',[goldenmean]); printf('pi of j %.18f',[pij]); printf('one parsec %.18f',[metersperparsec]); printf('ref meters per light second %.18f',[metersperlightsecond]); printf('ref meters per light year %.18f',[metersperlightyear]); lightyear:= metersperlightyear; //Result: 9.461 E12 kilometers //one lightsecond (1 Ls) 299 792,458 km ~ 300 Millionen Meter ~ 300.000 km //lightyear:= 9454254955E15; writeln(floattostr(lightyear)); printf('meters per light sec2: %.12f',[lightyear / secyear]); writeln(floattostr(lightyear/secyear)); printf('million of sec %f',[maXcalc('1E6 / (60*24*60)')]); printf('2 ^64 -1 is 18 trillionen %.18f',[maXcalc('2^64-1')]); printf('2 ^64 -1 is 18 trillionen %.21f',[power(2,64)-1]); (*ShowmessageBig('this is the first HI on the line so the box goes LO on'); z:= $2345; // $2345 hex : $23 hi byte, $45 lo byte ShowMessage(Format('Integer = $%x', [z])); ShowMessage(Format('Hi byte = $%x', [Hi(z)])); ShowMessage(Format('Lo byte = $%x', [Lo(z)]));*) //printf('test million of sec %f',[lightyear * secyear]); //************************************REGEX ***************************** // Function ExecRegExpr( const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean'); ///regex1 [12][09]\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T12:[23]\d:\d{2}/ //regex2 result group = /((19)|(20))(\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T)(12:[23]\d:\d{2})/ email:= ''; rex:= '[\w\d\-\.]+@[\w\d\-]+(\.[\w\d\-]+)+'; writeln('email '+booleanToString(ExecRegExpr(rex, email))) if ExecRegExpr (rex, email) then writeln('gotcha! e-mail is valid ...') else writeln('email not valid'); if ExecRegExpr('((19)|(20))\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T12:[23]\d:\d{2}', '1925-04-01T12:23:29') then writeln('regex true') else writeln('regex false'); if ExecRegExpr('((19)|(20))(\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T)(12:[23]\d:\d{2}-)', '1925-04-01T12:23:29-') then writeln('regex true') else writeln('regex false'); //4464: Function RegExprSubExpressions(const ARegExpr: string; ASubExprs: TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean) : regexres:= TStringlist.Create; RegExprSubExpressions('((19)|(20))(\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T)(12:[23]\d:\d{2})',regexres,true); writeln(regexres[4]); //Procedure SplitRegExpr(const ARegExpr,AInputStr: RegExprString;APieces:TStrings)'); regexres.clear; // java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=((19)|(20))(\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T)(12:[23]\d:\d{2}) region=0,19 lastmatch=] 12:33:29 SplitRegExpr('((19)|(20))(\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}T)(12:[23]\d:\d{2})', '1925-04-01T12:233:29',regexres); writeln(regexres[0]); regexres.Free; //last two müller - maierhuber are false //[ae] a oder e //e? -> 0 oder 1 e if ExecRegExpr('^M[ae][iy]e?r', '"Meyer", "Meier", "Mair", "Mayer", "Maier", "Meir", "Müller", "Maierhuber"') then writeln('regex maier true') else writeln('regex maier false'); if ExecRegExpr('M[ae][iy]e?r.*[be]', 'Mairhuberu') then writeln('regex maierhuber true') else writeln('regex maierhuber false'); if ExecRegExpr('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].*','pascal_name_kon') then writeln('regex pascal true') else writeln('regex pascal false'); if ExecRegExpr('^[1-4]{3,}[A-D]{4,}$','121ABCD') then writeln('regex hash true') else writeln('regex hash false'); //if ExecRegExpr('[1-9]{4,5}[A-F]{4,}','2127FADFF') if ExecRegExpr('^([a-fA-F\d]{8})$','8a2127FA') then writeln('regex hash true') else writeln('regex hash false'); //if ExecRegExpr('(?i)(? 0 then begin closeMP3; playMP3('D:\kleiner2005\ekon_11\EKON_13_14_15\EKON16\06_Woman_From_Tokyo.mp3'); end;} Until Not ExecNext; finally Free; end; regexres.Free; // email:= ''; rex:= '[\w\d\-\.]+@[\w\d\-]+(\.[\w\d\-]+)+'; fstr:= loadFileasString(Exepath+'examples\Simone_Seiler_Furrer.vcf'); with TRegExpr.Create do try gstr:= 'simone'; modifierS:= false; //non greedy //Expression := '(\+\d *)?(\((\d+)\) *)?(\d+(-\d*)*)'; Expression:= rex; if Exec(fstr) then Repeat //countmatch writeln(Format('mail of ' +gstr+': %s',[Match[1]])); Until Not ExecNext; finally Free; end; //regexres.Free; //@Slide Examples EKON: fstr:= ''; fstr:= loadfileasString(Exepath+'\examples\regexlist.txt'); with TRegExpr.Create do try gstr:= 'perl'; modifierS:= false; //non greedy //Expression := '(\+\d *)?(\((\d+)\) *)?(\d+(-\d*)*)'; Expression:= '(north[^\n].*)'; //Expression:= '\b\d{4}(?!\d)'; if Exec(fstr) then Repeat //countmatch writeln(Format('match of ' +gstr+': %s',[Match[1]])); Until Not ExecNext; finally Free; end; //******************* compare perlregex - regexstudio ***************** //var mystr: string; Delphi RegEx - RegeX Studio with TRegExpr.Create do try //Make it case-insensitive ModifierI:= True; mystr:= ' My TRex on Regex'; Expression := '(.*?)'; if Exec(Mystr) then ShowMessageBig(Match[1]); finally Free; end; with TPerlRegEx.Create do try //Perl Delphi RegEx RegEx:= '(.+?)'; Options:= [preCaseLess]; Subject:= 'testa My TRex on Regex testb'; //ResString:= Replace; If Match then ShowMessageBig(Groups[1]) //SubExpressions[1]) ,MatchedText else ShowMessageBig('Regex Not found'); finally Free; end; //********* TMatchCollection EKON 16 Examples ***************************** // fs:= 'Northwest NW Charles Main 300000.00'#13#10+ 'Western WE Sharon Gray 53000.89'#13#10+ 'southwest SW Lewis Dalsass 290000.73'+CR+LF+ 'Southern SO Suan Chin 54500.10'+CR+LF+ 'southeast SE Patricia Hemenway 400000.00'+CR+LF+ 'eastern EA TB Savage 440500.45'+CR+LF+ 'northeast NE AM Main Jr. 57800.10'+CR+LF+ 'north NO Ann Stephens 455000.52'+CR+LF+ 'ncentral CT KRush 575500.70'+CR+LF+ ''+CR+LF+ //emptyline //'Extra [A-Z]****[0-9]..$5.00'+CR+LF+ 'Extra2 ^[A-Z]****[0-9]..$5.00'+CR+LF; //rex:= '(north[^\n].*)'; //rex:= '.*NW|EA[^\n].*'; //rex:= '.*3+[^\n].*'; //rex:= '.*2\.?[0-9].*'; //rex:= '(no)+.*'; //Print all lines containing one or more consecutive occurrences of the pattern “no”. //rex:= '.*S(h|u).*'; //Print all lines containing the uppercase letter “S”, followed by either “h” or “u”. //rex:= '[A-Z]'+'****'+'[0-9]..$5.00'; //rex:= '^n.*'; //rex:= '.*\.00$'; //rex:= '.*5\..'; //rex:= '^[we].*'; //rex:= '.*\.[^0][^0].*'; //Print all lines ending with a period and exactly two non-zero numbers. //rex:= '.*[0-9]{6}\..*'; //all lines at least 6 consecutive numbs follow. by a period. //rex:= '\','Dies ist ein Text mit HTML-Kennzeichen', '',true)); Writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('<.*?>','Dies ist ein Text mit HTML-Kennzeichen', '',true)); Writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('<.*>','Dies ist ein Text mit HTML-Kennzeichen', '',true)); Writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('<.>','Dies ist ein Text mit HTML-Kennzeichen', '',true)); //maxform1.SerialRS2321Click(self) //Application.onmessage //Application.onException //label1click_EditPattern(self) //DisplayStream //SwapLong(swap_endian_u32) // AESSymetricExecute(exepath+'examples\aestest.txt', exepath+'examples\aestest_encrypt/.txt','0001020304'); /// writeln('app handle '+ inttostr(application.handle)); //writeln('app owner'+ TApplication(application.owner).name); // writeln('app name '+ (; End. ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ | _ \ | _| | | | _ \ | | | | | | | | . | | |_ | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | _| | | | __/ | _ | | | | |_. | | |_ | |__ | | | | | | | | |____/ |___| |____| |_| |_| |_| |_| Ein Lichtjahr ist die Strecke, die eine elektromagnetische Welle wie das Licht in einem julianischen Jahr in absolutem Vakuum zurücklegt. Das sind etwa 9,5 Billionen Kilometer (9,5 · 1012 km). Das Formelzeichen c (von lateinisch celeritas, Schnelligkeit) wird in vielen Fällen auch für die abweichende Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit in 1 Lj = 9 460 730 472 580 800 m printf('check of light year %f',[maxcalc('(60*24*60*365.25)*(299792458)')]); Für andere Jahresdefinitionen ergeben sich: 9.454.254.955.488.000 m bezüglich des Gemeinjahrs (exakt), 9.460.528.191.000.000 m bezüglich des tropischen Jahrs (zur Epoche J2000.0), 9.460.536.207.068.016 m bezüglich des gregorianischen Jahrs (exakt), 9.460.895.221.000.000 m bezüglich des siderischen Jahrs (zur Epoche J2000.0). CL.AddConstantN('MetersPerLightYear','Extended').setExtended( MetersPerLightSecond * 31556925.9747); //mit 365.2422 ! RegEx for a valid file name: (?i)^(?!^(PRN|AUX|CLOCK\$|NUL|CON|COM\d|LPT\d|\..*)(\..+)?$)[^\\\./:\*\?\"<>\|][^\\/:\*\?\"<>\|]{0,254}$ Weiterführung der Scholz Software Systems 3S The Jedi project provides the following solution in JclMath: procedure SinCos(X: Float; var Sin, Cos: Float); {$IFDEF CPU386} procedure FSinCos(X: Float; var Sin, Cos: Float); assembler; asm FLD X FSINCOS FSTP Float PTR [EDX] FSTP Float PTR [EAX] FWAIT end; {$ENDIF CPU386} begin DomainCheck(Abs(X) > MaxAngle); {$IFDEF CLR} Sin := System.Math.Sin(X); Cos := System.Math.Cos(X); {$ELSE} FSinCos(X, Sin, Cos); {$ENDIF CLR} end; The domain check raises a exception in case of argument out of +2^63. Text processing from bird's eye view Do You want to write program for extracting weather forecast or currency rates or e-mails or whatsoever You want from HTML-pages, e-mails or other unformatted source? Or do You need to import data into Your database from old DB's ugly export form There are two ways. The traditional one - You must make full featured text parser. This is an awful peace of work! For example, try to implement rules how to recognize e-mail address - simple code like p := Pos ('@', email); if (p > 1) and (p < length (email)) then ... don't filter many common errors, for example, users frequently forget enter domain-part of e-mail, You'll need much more complex code (just read the big article "Extended E-mail Address Verification and Correction" on Just th The second way - look at the text from bird's eye view with help of regular expressions engine. You don't write the check processing routine, You just describe how regexp engine must do it for You. Your application will be implemented very fast a Unfortunately, Delphi component palette contains no TRegularExpression component. But there are some third-party implementations (I think You already know at least one 8-)). Example 1 How to chech e-mail address syntax. Just write if ExecRegExpr ('[\w\d\-\.]+@[\w\d\-]+(\.[\w\d\-]+)+', email) then ... gotcha! e-mail is valid ... Do not forget to add TRegExpr into uses section of the unit. Example 2 How to extract phone numbers from unformatted text (web-pages, e-mails, etc). For example, we need only St-Petersburg (Russia) phones (city code 812). procedure ExtractPhones (const AText : string; APhones : TStrings); begin with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression := '(\+\d *)?(\((\d+)\) *)?(\d+(-\d*)*)'; if Exec (AText) then REPEAT if Match [3] = '812' then APhones.Add (Match [4]) UNTIL not ExecNext; finally Free; end; end; For the input text "Hi ! Please call me at work (812)123-4567 or at home +7 (812) 12-345-67 truly yours .." this procedure returns APhones[0]='123-4567' APhones[1]='12-345-67' Example 3 Extracting currency rate from Russian Bank web page. Create new project and place at the main form TBitBtn, TLabel and TNMHTTP components. Add following code as BitBtn1 OnClick event handler (don't mind Russian letter - they need for Russian web-page parsing): procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); const Template = '(?i)Ioeoeaeuiue eo?n OA ii aieea?o' + '.*Aaoa\s*Eo?n\s*Eo?n iie.\s*Eo?n i?ia. [^<\d]*' + '(\d?\d)/(\d?\d)/(\d\d)\s*[\d.]+\s*([\d.]+)'; begin NMHTTP1.Get (''); with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression := Template; if Exec (NMHTTP1.Body) then begin Label1.Caption := Format ('Russian rouble rate %s.%s.%s: %s', [Match [2], Match [1], Match [3], Match [4]]); end; finally Free; end; end; 5. time of day: For example. 11:30. [01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9] won't work well, because it would allow such impossible times as 19:00 and 00:30. A more complicated construction works better: (1[012] | [1-9]) :[0-5][0-9]. That is, a 1 followed by 0, 1, or 2, OR any digit 1-9. procedure perlregex; var mot: TPerlRegExOptions; begin with TPerlRegex.create do try Options:= Options + [preUnGreedy]; Subject:= 'I like to sing out at Foo bar'; RegEx:= '([A-Za-z]+) bar'; Replacement:= '\1 is the name of the bar I like'; if Match then ShowMessageBig(ComputeReplacement); Subject := 'This is a Linux or a Windows App.'; RegEx:= 'Windows|Linux'; // Matches 'Windows' or 'Linux', whichever comes first if Match then showMessageBig(MatchedText +'came first!'); finally free; end; end; procedure PerlRegex; var mot: TPerlRegExOptions; begin with TPerlRegex.create do try Subject:= 'I like to hang out at Foo bar'; RegEx:= '([A-Za-z]+) bar'; Replacement:= '\1 is the name of the bar I like'; if Match then ShowMessage(ComputeReplacement); Subject := 'This is a Linux or a Windows App.'; RegEx := 'Windows|Linux'; // Matches 'Windows' or 'Linux', whichever comes first if Match then showMessage(MatchedText + ' came first!'); finally free; end; end; ------------------------Description Match option enumeration set for the Perl regular expression. Option Meaning preCaseLess Tries to match the regex without paying attention to case. If set, 'Bye' will match 'Bye', 'bye', 'BYE' and even 'byE', 'bYe', and so on. Otherwise, only 'Bye' will be matched. Equivalent to Perl's /i modifier. preMultiLine The ^ (beginning of string) and $ (ending of string) regex operators will also match right after and right before a new line in the Subject string. This effectively treats one string with multiple lines as multiple strings. Equivalent to Perl's /m modifier. preSingleLine Normally, dot (.) matches anything but a new line (\n). With preSingleLine, dot (.) will match anything, including new lines. This allows a multiline string to be regarded as a single entity. Equivalent to Perl's /s modifier. Note that preMultiLine and preSingleLine can be used together. preExtended Allow the regular expression to contain extra white spaces, new lines, and Perl-style comments, all of which will be filtered out. This is sometimes called "free-spacing mode". preAnchored Allows the regular expression to match only at the start of the subject or right after the previous match. preUnGreedy Repeat operators (?, *, +, {num,num}) are greedy by default, for example, they try to match as many characters as possible. Set preUnGreedy to use ungreedy repeat operators by default, for example, so that they try to match as few characters as possible. preNoAutoCapture Allows the regular expression to capture only named groups. Note that (group) is a non-capturing group. It's unlikely that Emb will change this before XE3 because it would require an interface change, however you can work around it like this : uses RegularExpressionsCore, RegularExpressions; type TRegExCrack = record private FOptions: TRegExOptions; FMatchEvaluator: TMatchEvaluator; FNotifier: IInterface; FRegEx: TPerlRegEx; end; //Note the above should match the layout of TRegEx exactly. procedure dosomething; var regx : TRegEx; begin regx := TRegEx.Create('.*'); TRegEx2(regx).FRegEx.Options := TRegEx2(regx).FRegEx.Options + [preUnGreedy]; ..... end; The regular expression engine in Delphi XE is PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression). It's a fast and compliant (with generally accepted regex syntax) engine which has been around for many years. Users of earlier versions of delphi can use it with TPerlRegEx, a delphi class wrapper around it. The XE interface to pcre is a layer of units based on contributions from various people, the pcre api header translations in RegularExpressionsAPI.pas (Florent Ouchet and co), the wrapper class TPerlRegEx (Jan Goyvaerts) in RegularExpressionsCore.pas and the record wrappers on RegularExpressions.pas (myself). This unit is based on code we currently use in FinalBuilder 6 & 7, it's well tested and has proven to be very reliable in our products. RegularExpressions.pas is what you will use in your code. It's loosely based on the .net regex interfaces. The main type in RegularExpressions.pas is TRegEx. TRegEx is a record with a bunch of methods and static class methods for matching with regular expressions. The static versions of the methods are provided for convenience, and should only be used for one off matches, if you are matching in a loop or repeating the same search often then you should create an 'instance' of the TRegEx record and use the non static methods. You will notice I don't free any of the TRegEx, TMatch or TGroups, that's because they are Records with methods rather than classes. This keeps memory management simple and helps avoid memory leaks, my original code used interfaces and reference counting but Embarcadero preferred to use records (as they have done with other new stuff introduced in recent releases). Re: REGEX Delphi XE2 Question? Click to report abuse... Click to reply to this thread Reply Posted: Jul 20, 2012 6:41 AM in response to: Christopher Burke in response to: Christopher Burke The only big difference is that I'm using the class method: G:=TRegex.Match(...) I also tried G:=TRegex.Split as well. Will try creating and using that instead. This is the first time I've used the unit, and all defaults are as installed. I hope it helps! I've always used the RegularExpressionsCore unit rather than the higher level stuff because the core unit is compatible with the unit that Jan Goyvaerts has provided for free for years. That was my introduction to regular expressions. So I forgot about the other unit. I guess there's either a bug or it just doesn't work the way one might expect. Personally, I don't think the low level code is too hard to work with, so give it a try ans see if it works better for you. Lee northwest NW Charles Main 300000.00 western WE Sharon Gray 53000.89 southwest SW Lewis Dalsass 290000.73 southern SO Suan Chin 54500.10 southeast SE Patricia Hemenway 400000.00 eastern EA TB Savage 440500.45 northeast NE AM Main Jr. 57800.10 north NO Ann Stephens 455000.50 central CT KRush 575500.70 Extra [A-Z]****[0-9]..$5.00 bug comment on regex static record procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var RegEx: TRegEx; Match: TMatch; begin RegEx := TRegex.Create('\w+'); Match := RegEx.Match('One two three four'); while Match.Success do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(Match.Value); Match := Match.NextMatch; end end; Or you could save yourself two lines of code by using the static TRegEx.Match call: procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var Match: TMatch; begin Match := TRegEx.Match('One two three four', '\w+'); while Match.Success do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(Match.Value); Match := Match.NextMatch; end end; Unfortunately, due to a bug in the RegularExpressions unit, the static call doesn’t work. Depending on your exact code, you may get fewer matches than you should, or you may get blank matches, or your application may crash with an access violation. The RegularExpressions unit defines TRegEx and TMatch as records. That way you don’t have to explicitly create and destroy them. Internally, TRegEx uses TPerlRegEx to do the heavy lifting. TPerlRegEx is a class that needs to be created and destroyed like any other class. If you look at the TRegEx source code, you’ll notice that it uses an interface to destroy the TPerlRegEx instance when TRegEx goes out of scope. Interfaces are reference counted in Delphi, making them usable for automatic memory management. The bug is that TMatch and TGroupCollection also need the TPerlRegEx instance to do their work. TRegEx passes its TPerlRegEx instance to TMatch and TGroupCollection, but it does not pass the instance of the interface that is responsible for destroying TPerlRegEx. This is not a problem in our first code sample. TRegEx stays in scope until we’re done with TMatch. The interface is destroyed when Button1Click exits. In the second code sample, the static TRegEx.Match call creates a local variable of type TRegEx. This local variable goes out of scope when TRegEx.Match returns. Thus the reference count on the interface reaches zero and TPerlRegEx is destroyed when TRegEx.Match returns. When we call MatchAgain the TMatch record tries to use a TPerlRegEx instance that has already been destroyed. To fix this bug, delete or rename the two RegularExpressions.dcu files and copy RegularExpressions.pas into your source code folder. Make these changes to both the TMatch and TGroupCollection records in this unit: Declare FNotifier: IInterface; in the private section. Add the parameter ANotifier: IInterface; to the Create constructor. Assign FNotifier := ANotifier; in the constructor’s implementation. You also need to add the ANotifier: IInterface; parameter to the TMatchCollection.Create constructor. Now try to compile some code that uses the RegularExpressions unit. The compiler will flag all calls to TMatch.Create, TGroupCollection.Create and TMatchCollection.Create. Fix them by adding the ANotifier or FNotifier parameter, depending on whether ARegEx or FRegEx is being passed. With these fixes, the TPerlRegEx instance won’t be destroyed until the last TRegEx, TMatch, or TGroupCollection that uses it goes out of scope or is used with a different regular expression. MatchedLength Try the following expression RegEx := '\b\d{4}(?!\d)' Breaking it down: \b - Anchor: Match at word boundaries \d - Character Class: digits (0-9) {4} - Quantifier: Exactly 4 (?!\d) - Negative lookahead assertion. Match only if no digits follow the preceding pattern sought. For new code written in Delphi XE, you should definitely use the RegularExpressions unit that is part of Delphi rather than one of the many 3rd party units that may be available. If you're dealing with UTF-8 data, use the RegularExpressionsCore unit to avoid needless UTF-8 to UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversions. myform Genug Theorie. Wollen wir das mal an einem Beispiel anschauen: $variable =~ m/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/; Dieses Beispiel überprüft, ob $variable vier Zahlenblöcke mit ein bis drei Stellen enthält, getrennt durch einen Punkt (z.B. IP-Adresse). Hier sieht man: ein Punkt muss als \. geschrieben, da der Punkt alleine ein beliebiges Zeichen darstellt. $variable =~ m/^[abc]/i; Dieses Suchpattern ist wahr, wenn $variable mit a, b, c, A, B oder C anfängt. $variable =~ m/(foo|bar)/; In diesem Beispiel bezieht sich das Suchpattern nicht nur auf einzelne Zeichen (wie im oberen Beispiel mit [abc]) sondern auf ganze Wörter: die Bedingung ist in diesem Fall wahr, wenn $variable das Wort "foo" und/oder "bar" enthält (an beliebiger Stelle). $variable =~ m/\.jpe?g$/; Hier wird überprüft, ob $variable mit dem Text ".jpg" oder ".jpeg" endet (jedoch NICHT ".JPG"!). $variable =~ m/^[a-z0-9\-_\.]+\@[a-z0-9\-_\.]+\.[a-z]{2,}$/i; Hierbei handelt es sich um einen primitiven Check, ob $variable eine gültige Mailadresse enthält. In der Praxis müsste dies noch etwas erweitert werden (z.B. Domainnames mit Umlauten).